Icon <kui-icon>

You can place KotchiUI Font Awesome icons just about anywhere in the page

Attributes Configurations

Kotchi UI Font Awesome icons are very flexable to configure and control

Below is a list of the available attributes for configuring <kui-icon>

Attribute Type Default value Description
kui-label String The icon's label - used for screen readers
kui-icon String The icon to be used from the available, more information.
kui-size KUIIcon.Size The size of the icon, relative to the inherited font-size style value, more information.
kui-pull KUIIcon.PullDirection Pull quotes or article icons, more information.
kui-animate KUIIcon.Animate Makes the icon spin or have it rotate with 8 steps, more information.
kui-rotate KUIIcon.Rotate Rotates the Icon with the given angel, more information.
kui-flip KUIIcon.Flip Flips the Icon with the desired direction, more information.
kui-fixed-width Boolean false Apply the fixed width style on the icon, more information.
kui-bordered Boolean false Adds a border arround the icon, more information.

Basic Examples

KotchiUI Font Awesome icons are accessable, fully controled as regular font awesome icons

<kui-icon> wraps Font Awesome free plan icons, Solid and Brands.

To start using this element, just spesify the icon you want to use as the value of the <kui-icon> attribute, see examples below. When you want the icon to meet the accessability requirements, add the kui-label attribute with the label you want.

	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-3x" kui-label="Take a picture"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fab fa-android" kui-size="fa-3x" kui-label="I use Android"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fab fa-apple" kui-size="fa-3x" kui-label="And I prefare Apple products"></kui-icon>


Sizing Icons

KotchiUI gives some basic controls for sizing icons in the context of your page’s UI.

Icons inherit the font-size of their parent container which allow them to match any text you might use with them. we can increase or decrease the size of icons relative to that inherited font-size using the kui-size attribute.

	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-xs"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-sm"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-sm"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size=""></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-lg"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-2x"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-3x"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-5x"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-7x"></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-camera" kui-size="fa-10x"></kui-icon>


Pulled Icons

Occasionally you might want to wrap text around an icon.

Use kui-pulled attribute to pull the icon eaither left or right for easy quotes or article icons

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vitae neque at nulla interdum gravida. Maecenas tempor viverra varius. Aenean vitae facilisis odio. Pellentesque faucibus vitae neque sit amet accumsan. Phasellus mattis mi nec ligula scelerisque faucibus et id purus. Vestibulum convallis, dolor ut malesuada dignissim.
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-quote-left" kui-size="fa-2x" kui-pulled="fa-pull-left"></kui-icon>
	Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vitae neque at
	nulla interdum gravida. Maecenas tempor viverra varius. Aenean vitae
	facilisis odio. Pellentesque faucibus vitae neque sit amet accumsan.
	Phasellus mattis mi nec ligula scelerisque faucibus et id purus. Vestibulum
	convallis, dolor ut malesuada dignissim.


Animating Icons

Enable animation on icons to simulate loading or communicating state

Use the kui-animate attribute with KUIIcon.Animate.Spin value to get any icon to rotate, and use KUIIcon.Animate.Pulse to have it rotate with 8 steps. Works especially well with fa-spinner & everything in the spinner icons category .

	<div style="font-size: 3rem;">
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-spinner" kui-animate="fa-spin"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-circle-notch" kui-animate="fa-spin"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-sync" kui-animate="fa-spin"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-cog" kui-animate="fa-spin"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-spinner" kui-animate="fa-pulse"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-stroopwafel" kui-animate="fa-spin"></kui-icon>


Rotating and Flipping Icons

Sometimes you need to rotate, flip, or mirror an icon for it to work in your project or design.

To arbitrarily rotate and flip icons, set the kui-roatate attribute to fa-rotate-* and fa-flip-* values.

	<div style="font-size: 3rem;">
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding" kui-rotate="fa-rotate-90"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding" kui-rotate="fa-rotate-180"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding" kui-rotate="fa-rotate-270"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding" kui-flip="fa-flip-horizontal"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding" kui-flip="fa-flip-vertical"></kui-icon>
		<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding" kui-flip="fa-flip-both"></kui-icon>


Fixed Width Icons

Need to vertically align a series of icons, like in a list or navigation menu? We’ve included a fixed-width support styling for just those cases.

set the attribute kui-fixed-width to true on the kui-icon element to set one or more icons to the same fixed width. This is great to use when varying icon widths (e.g. a tall but skinny icon atop a wide but short icon) would throw off vertical alignment. For clarity in the following example, we've added a background color on the icon so you can see the fixed width and also bumped up the font-size of the parent element.

Nordic Skiing
	<div style="font-size: 2rem;">
		<div><kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-skating" kui-fixed-width="" style="background:DodgerBlue"></kui-icon> Skating</div>
		<div><kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-skiing" kui-fixed-width="" style="background:SkyBlue"></kui-icon> Skiing</div>
		<div><kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-skiing-nordic" kui-fixed-width="" style="background:DodgerBlue"></kui-icon> Nordic Skiing</div>
		<div><kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowboarding" kui-fixed-width="" style="background:SkyBlue"></kui-icon> Snowboarding</div>
		<div><kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-snowplow" kui-fixed-width="" style="background:DodgerBlue"></kui-icon> Snowplow</div>


Bordered Icons

Occasionally you might want to give icons some visual distinction with a border.

When using kui-bordered attribute the icon is given a border.

	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-arrow-left" kui-size="fa-2x" kui-bordered=""></kui-icon>
	<kui-icon kui-icon="fas fa-arrow-right" kui-size="fa-2x" kui-bordered=""></kui-icon>